GM Arts Guitar Resources
Hello World! I live in Adelaide, South Australia, and my interests are electric guitar, playing live music, writing MIDI sequences, programming in Visual Basic, dabbling in electronics, with a casual interest in popular science. I have some years of experience in these fields, and use these Web pages to share my knowledge freely.

# Electric Guitar - Introduction, my favourite players and why, favourite guitars, and more!

* Guitar Amplifiers - How they're designed, what's special about them, valves vs transistors, some overdrive circuit ideas.

* Guitar Effects - An explanation of all the popular ones, recommended placement order, etc. Also includes information on the Roland GP-100.

* Guitar Pickups - How they work, how to get the most out of them alone and in combination, and some wiring ideas.

* And even more information:
o Interesting & Frequently Asked Questions
o Manufacturer Logo Index
o Schematics at GM Arts

# Making Music

* Guitar Chords - A guide on how to interpret chord notation.

* MIDI Music - A guide on MIDI messages, General MIDI, message tables and a circuit for a PC-MIDI interface.

* Top 10 Band Tips - My thoughts on how to have fun in a successful band.

# Popular Science

* Calendars & Easter Information - History, Easter definitions and myths, dates and algorithms. Also, a perpetual calendar.

* Einstein's Relativity Theory - A non-jargon explanation in words and pictures, with some interesting relativity facts.
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