Bass Magazine
Bass Magazine
The European Online Bass Magazine Designed For Bass Players
BassMagazine, is a new Virtual BassMagazine Designed For BassPlayers who liked to be informed what is going on on the European Bass-scene! We feature a world class staff of diverse and extremely experienced bass players in their own field.
BassMagazine features articles on the most influential European players (known and unknown) of the day as well as "up and coming" players. Our regular columns cover a vast amount of musical territory with a diverse look at any and all pertinent info that will aid what we feel should be the main focus of any aspiring bassist, finding "your own voice".
As far as BassMagazine reviews are concerned, whether it is CD's, DVD's, books, or musical gear, we will take the time to prescreen for our readers whatever has been presented to us, and review only what in our opinion is a viable option for our readers to consider, so it becomes not just a "review" we're offering, but a "recommendation" as well in hopes of guiding our audience to some alternatives they may or may not have known about that we feel deserves attention.
